Wisata Halal Pengembangan Pariwisata Berbasis Nagari Menuju Wisata Halal Di Sumatera Barat
Wisata Halal Pengembangan Pariwisata Berbasis Nagari Menuju Wisata Halal Di Sumatera Barat
Dian Amelia
Andalas University, Business law Lecturer
Ulfanora Ulfanora
Andalas University, Business law Lecturer
Arya Putra Rizal Pratama
Universitas Andalas
Minangkabau attributes which has actually charm, variety of customizeds, most of which are actually Muslim, has actually gorgeous attributes, hilly locations as well as gorgeous coastlines, which are actually a halal traveler tourist destination in Indonesia generally, West Sumatra particularly. As the primary location for globe travelers coming from various other Islamic nations like Malaysia, others and Dubai. Since West Sumatra is among the halal traveler locations, as well as the most affordable federal authorities in West Sumatra is actually Nagari, it interests examine..This examine utilizes a lawful research study technique along with an empirical/sociologicalapproach lawful study(socio lawful examine) as well as normative (normative lawful examine ). The outcomes of the examine discuss that the possibility of halal tourist that could be industrialized requirements to become socialized towards the Urban area as well as Rule Federal authorities as well as Nagari Nagari which have actually tourist prospective. to become industrialized as well as handled through developing plan plans that are actually sourced coming from the Nagari Prospective which will certainly later on bring to life plans that can easily add to Nagari PAD.